Terms Of Use

Terms and Conditions

Edited/Updated 5/9/2023

Welcome to JUSTUSBRIDGE.COM the home of the JUST US BRIDGE (“JUB”) website (“Site”). People who visit and use the Site without participating in JUB’s courses and programs on the Site (“Visitors”) and people who visit the Site, use the Site, and register to participate in JUB’s courses and programs on the Site (“Authorized Participants”), both of whom are referred to as “You” or “Your,” individually and collectively, singular and plural, are required to accept these TERMS, CONDITIONS, PRIVACY POLICY, DISABILITY POLICY, LIMITATIONS and DISCLAIMERS (“TERMS”) as a condition for JUST US BRIDGE to allow You access to the Site. Your further use of the Site, Your checking the “I accept” box, and Your sharing of Your personal information, each and all, indicate Your acceptance of JUB’s TERMS.  

Terms, Conditions, Policies, and Other Requirements

The JUST US BRIDGE website (“Site”) is owned by Just Us Bridge (“JUB”), a for profit entity owned by Jim Winner that may assume a different organizational form in the future and to which these TERMS shall apply. JUB grants You an at will license to enter and use the features of the Site provided You follow the instructions and rules provided by JUB and respect the integrity and security of the JUB Site. Either You or JUB may terminate Your use of the JUB Site at any time and for any reason. 

By accepting these TERMS You make the following representations and promises to JUB, all of which You understand JUB relies upon to provide You and other Users with information to be self-sufficient litigants or litigants who are better equipped to hold their lawyers accountable.  You agree to check in with this Agreement from time to time because JUB may change this Agreement at any time by: (i) displaying revisions of this Agreement on the Site or by sending  an email notifying You of the changes to the Agreement, whether or not You receive the email. You agree to supply JUB with an email address and keep Your email address current and in good working order. Continued use of the JUB Site after giving You notice means that You have accepted and agree with the changes.

By using the JUB Site You agree to comply with these TERMS and with all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations and all Internet regulations, policies and procedures. You also agree that You will not use the Site for illegal purposes, to disrupt the  Site, or to distribute Site content without written permission of JUB.  You also agree to not engage in behavior when using the Site that JUB reasonably determines to be unlawful, obscene, defamatory, harassing, fraudulent, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, or otherwise objectionable.

You agree to register for a password-protected JUB account. You promise that information You provide to JUB is true, accurate and complete. You agree to keep Your information current by timely updating Your account information. You agree to maintain the confidentiality of Your password and account. You are responsible for all activities that occur under Your account.

The Site will occasionally be unavailable when JUB conducts maintenance on the Site, but will make reasonable efforts to give You advance notice of Site unavailability, except in cases of emergency when JUB may act expeditiously to fix problems with the Site. You understand that Your use of the Site is at Your sole risk, on an “as is” basis, and “when available.”  JUB expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

You agree that JUB owns all right, title and interest in the Site including, without limitation whatsoever, all intellectual property rights. You agree that the Site contains legally protected proprietary and confidential information, copyrighted materials, and trade secrets, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, photos, videos, and icons. JUB retains all right, title and interest in the words “Just Us Bridge” and  You agree not to display or use the words “Just Us Bridge” without written permission of JUB anywhere including, but not limited to, court papers or any aspect of court litigation, arbitration, settlement negotiation, or correspondence, emails, or social media. If You desire to refer someone to JUB, You shall identify the person (name and contact information) to JUB who may or may not, at JUB’s sole discretion, reach out to the person(s). [EVM1] 

Privacy Policy

JUB understands that privacy online is important to users of the Site, especially when participating in JUB courses. This statement governs JUB’s privacy policies with respect to any  users of the Site. Personally Identifiable Data” (PID) refers to any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles, social security number, and credit card information. PID does not include information that is collected anonymously (that is, without identification of the individual user) or demographic information not connected to an identified individual.

What Information is Collected and How it is Used

What PID is collected?  JUB may collect basic user profile information from all Visitors. JUB collects the following additional information from JUB’s Authorized Participants: names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.

What other organizations are collecting or have access to Your information through JUB? In addition to JUB’s direct collection of information, JUB is funded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (“ICJIA”) and JUB must report its activities to ICJIA, including PID.  JUB does not control how ICJIA uses PID. You should feel free to contact ICJIA at cja.irc@illinois.gov, if You have questions about how ICJIA may use Your PID.

How does the Site use PID? JUB uses PID to customize the Site, to make appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill requests made by Authorized Participants on the Site. JUB may email Visitors and Authorized Participants about JUB Services or information related to the subject matter of the Site. JUB may also use PID to contact Visitors and Authorized Participants in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested information to Visitors and Authorized Participants.

How does the Site Communicate with You? JUB may use Your PID to contact You with newsletters, marketing or promotional materials and other information that may be of interest to You. You may opt out of receiving any, or all, of these communications from JUB by following the unsubscribe link or instructions provided in any email JUB sends or by contacting JUB.

With whom may the information may be shared? PID about Authorized Participants may be shared with other Authorized Participants who wish to evaluate participation with other Authorized Participants. JUB may share aggregated information about JUB’s Visitors, including the demographics of JUB’s Visitors and Authorized Participants, with ICJIA. JUB also offers the opportunity to “opt out” of receiving information or being contacted by us.

How the Information You Provide is Stored and For What Purpose

How is PID stored? PID collected by JUB is securely stored and is not accessible to third parties or employees of JUB except for use as indicated above.

What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use, and distribution of the information? Visitors and Authorized Participants may opt out of receiving unsolicited information from or being contacted by JUB by responding to emails as instructed, or by contacting JUB at info@justusbridge.law.

Are Cookies Used on the Site? Cookies are used for a variety of reasons. JUB use Cookies to obtain information about the preferences of JUB’s Visitors and the services they select. JUB also uses Cookies for security purposes to protect JUB’s Authorized Participants. For example, if an Authorized Customer is logged on and the site is unused for more than 10 minutes, JUB will automatically log the Authorized Customer off.

How does JUB use login information? JUB uses login information, including, but not limited to, Internet Protocol addresses, Service Providers, and browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user’s movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.

What partners or service providers have access to PID from Visitors and/or Authorized Participants on the Site?  Only ICJIA. JUB’s privacy policy does not cover ICJIA collection or use of this information.

Disclosure of PID to comply with law. JUB will disclose PID in order to comply with a court order or subpoena or a request from a law enforcement agency to release information. JUB will also disclose PID when reasonably necessary to protect the safety of JUB’s Visitors and Authorized Participants.

How does the Site keep PID secure? All of JUB’s employees are familiar with JUB’s security policy and practices. The PID of JUB’s Visitors and Authorized Participants is only accessible to a limited number of qualified employees who are given a password to gain access to the information. JUB audits its security systems and processes on a regular basis. Sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or social security numbers, is protected by encryption protocols, in place to protect information sent over the Internet. While JUB takes commercially reasonable measures to maintain a secure site, electronic communications and databases are subject to errors, tampering and break-ins, and JUB cannot guarantee or warrant that such events will not take place and JUB shall not be liable to Visitors or Authorized Participants for any such occurrences which liability You hereby forever waive, relinquish, and otherwise give up

How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in their PID?

Visitors and Authorized Participants may contact us to update their PID or to correct any inaccuracies by emailing us at info@justusbridge.law.

Can a Visitor delete or deactivate PID collected by the Site? JUB provides Visitors and Authorized Participants with a mechanism to delete/deactivate Personally Identifiable Information from the Site’s database by contacting us. However, because of backups and records of deletions, it may be impossible to delete a Visitor’s entry without retaining some residual information. An individual who requests to have his or her PID deactivated will have this information functionally deleted, and JUB will not sell, transfer, or use non-functionally deleted PID relating to that individual in any way to any third persons.

What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes? JUB will let JUB’s Visitors and Authorized Participants know about changes to JUB’s privacy policy by posting such changes on the Site or by email as provided above. However, if JUB is changing its privacy policy in a manner that might cause disclosure of PID that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has previously requested not be disclosed, JUB will notify such Visitor or Authorized Customer to allow such Visitor or Authorized Customer to prevent such disclosure.

The Site contains links to other web sites. Please note that when You click on one of these links, You are moving to another web site. JUB encourages You to read the privacy statements of these linked sites as their privacy policies may differ from JUB’s. JUB takes great pride in the relationship of trust and JUB is dedicated to treating Your personal information with care and respect.

Disability Policy

JUB is committed to ensuring JUB’s Visitors and Authorized Participants can readily access JUB services. JUB embraces the generally known guiding principles of website accessibility.  Therefore JUB strives to make the JUB website perceivable, operable, understandable and robust.  JUB strives to comply with the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act (IITAA), Americans with Disabilities Act, and Rehabilitation Act. Your feedback on JUB’s efforts is welcome.  If You have questions, concerns, or praise, please contact us at: info@justusbridge.law

Please note that the Site may link to, or interface with, third party websites that JUB does not control. These third-party website hosts may not match JUB’s efforts to comply with the law. JUB’s website informs users when they are about to leave the JUB website and prompts confirmation on whether You wish to be redirected to a third party controlled website. To maximize accessibility with JUB’s members, JUB is working with such third parties to encourage them to voluntarily comply with the law if they are out of compliance. As the law and accessibility standards continue to change and JUB strives to deliver the most up-to-date content online, please understand that JUB’s efforts to improve online accessibility are ongoing. JUB Thanks You for Your assistance in enhancing the accessibility of JUB’s website and JUB looks forward to Your participation.

Results Disclaimer

JUB goes a long way in providing litigation information for the ordinary person who wants to or has no other choice than to represent themselves in court as self-represented litigants, “litigants without lawyers,” or “pro se litigants,” the label often used by the legal world. JUB tries very hard to supply such litigants accurate information based on Jim Winner’s own experiences, research, and courtroom observations, all of which are reviewed and approved by a JUB Illinois-licensed lawyer (JUB is required by law to have a lawyer approve JUB activities in Illinois).  JUB does not give legal advice about Your or anyone’s particular legal situation or legal case that’s in court. JUB does not and will not “take Your case” or “handle Your case.”  Self-represented litigants who take advantage of JUB’s information are responsible for their own actions. If litigants need help with their legal situation, they should consider getting the assistance of a lawyer or another litigant who has better skills. A litigant should never pay a non-lawyer for advice.

JUB cannot guarantee that You will win Your case, nor that You will obtain “damages,” that is, money. JUB cannot guarantee the amount of money anyone may get out of a lawsuit or that they will get any money at all. JUB may use examples of lawsuits where a litigant received a truck full of money and the news reports lawsuits that have won huge amounts of money.  However, there is no guarantee that JUB users will be able to get the same or greater amounts of money. Each legal situation depends on the facts, the litigant’s ability and effort put into a lawsuit. As with any lawsuit, results may vary depending on many different things and some that are unique to who is being sued and in what court the lawsuit is brought. JUB cannot tell the future and cannot foresee risks a litigant may face in a litigant’s  particular case.

The use of JUB’s information is based on a participant’s “taking care of business.” JUB shall not be liable or responsible for the success or failures of participants who use JUB’s website, courses, and materials. JUB is providing information for a litigant’s “best shot” at winning.  So, take it! Let us know how You rolled! [AP2] [AP3] 

Employment Disclaimer

JUB may offer cash inducements to Visitors or Authorized Participants to advance through and to complete JUB’s educational courses.  Such cash inducements are gifts. Such cash inducements are not compensation for employment, and You shall not claim or state otherwise. You understand and agree that You are not an employee of JUB and that You are a licensee and guest of JUB subject to and bound by these TERMS once you have accepted these TERMS. You are responsible for income or other tax consequences, if any, of Your receiving such cash inducements.

Minors Prohibited

All persons under the age of 18 are denied access to the Site. If You are under 18 years of age, it is unlawful for You to visit, read, or interact with JUB or the Site in any manner. JUB specifically denies access to any individual covered by the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998.  

Other Prohibited Purposes

Unless You have entered into an express written contract with JUB to the contrary, Visitors and Authorized Participants, viewers have no right to use Site information in a commercial or public setting; have no right to broadcast, copy, save, print, sell, or publish any portions of the Site content, including, but not limited to, databases, invisible pages, linked pages, underlying code, or other intellectual property the Site may contain for any reason or use whatsoever.  

Visitor and Authorized Participants agree that ascertaining and proving actual damages for breaches of the promises made in these TERMS are problematic for all concerned. Therefore Visitors and Authorized Participants agree that each breach of these TERMS shall be compensated by liquidated damages in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars (U.S.$10,000.00) in addition to JUB’s court or arbitration costs and attorney’s fees. If actual damages for one breach can be ascertained with a reasonable degree of certainty and a court or arbitrator so finds, and the amount of actual damages exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars (U.S. $10,000.00), the  actual damages for each such breach shall apply.

Ownership Of The Site Or Right To Use, Sell, Publish Contents Of This Website

The Site and its contents are owned or licensed by JUB. The Site and its contents are the proprietary and copyrighted property of JUB. Visitors and Authorized Participants have no right, title, or interest whatsoever in the Site or its contents.

Hyperlinking To Site, Co-Branding, “Framing” And Referencing Site Prohibited

Unless expressly authorized by JUB in writing, no Visitor or Authorized Participant  may hyperlink the Site, or portions of the Site including, but not limited to, logotypes, trademarks, branding or copyrighted material) to another website for any reason whatsoever. Further, Visitors and Authorized Participants shall not reference the “URL” (Uniform Resource Locator or website address) of the Site and shall not “frame” the Site in any commercial or non-commercial media without JUB’s express written permission. In the event of a breach of these TERMS, You agree to use Your best efforts in cooperating with JUB to remove or de-activate any such breaching activities at Your expense.

Disclaimer For Harm To Your Computer Or Software From Interacting With The Site

You assume all risk of viruses, worms, or other corrupting factors. You download information from this site at Your own risk. JUB makes no warranty that downloads are free of corrupting computer codes, including, but not limited to, viruses and worms. JUB assumes no responsibility for damage to Your computers or software or for subsequent damage caused by corrupting code or data that is inadvertently or intentionally passed on by You to others.

Limitation Of Liability

You forever waive all right to claims of damage or injury of any and all description or type based on any causal factor resulting in said damage or injury, no matter how heinous or extensive, whether financial, physical or emotional, foreseeable or unforeseeable, whether personal or business in nature.


Visitors and Authorized Participants agree that in the event You cause injury or damage for which JUB is required to defendant against or pay for, You shall indemnify JUB and hold JUB harmless from same.

Restricted Use, Confidentiality, and Non-Competition

The Services contained in the Site include methods developed by JUB, including but not limited to, tactics, strategies, approaches, techniques, know-how, resources, publications, videos, and information of interest and usefulness to pro se litigants (collectively, “Confidential Information”) and to others whether such Confidential Information is disclosed directly, indirectly, orally, in writing, and/or by other media. For JUB to provide free legal information to pro se litigants it is necessary for JUB to both 1) limit disclosure of its Site content and Confidential Information and 2) limit anyone who wishes to operate a competing service that would deprive or limit JUB’s attracting and maintaining the presence and participation of Visitors and Authorized Users of the Services provided in the Site. Both such disclosure and competition jeopardize JUB’s funding from ICJIA, funding which is reasonable for JUB to protect. You shall not disclose any Site content or Confidential Information at any time after You accept these TERMS. You shall not create, operate, or work for another entity that provides substantially equivalent Services in Illinois at any time after You accept these TERMS.

Specifically, You acknowledge and agree that: 1) You shall hold the Confidential Information in strict trust and confidence at all times; 2) You shall use the Confidential Information only in Your own pro-se litigation and for no other purpose whatsoever; 3) You shall not create a business based upon the Confidential Information; 4) You shall not create a competing service based upon or substantially similar to the Confidential Information provided by the Site or JUB; 5) You shall not disclose Confidential Information or Site content to any other person or entity at any time or for any purpose; 6) You shall not prepare or participate in the publication of marketing materials or services of any kind whatsoever embodying Confidential Information or site content; and 7) You shall not disclose Confidential Material forever regardless of whether You complete JUB courses and programs.

Uses in Conflict with JUB’s Mission is Specifically Prohibited. 

You shall not use the Services to assist in the defense of, any of the following: landlord, credit card company, lender, finance company, automobile dealership, insurance company, insurance software company, insurance vendor, or a person or entity litigating against JUB or its agents and affiliates.

Attorneys are prohibited from entering and using the Site because 1) it would be counterproductive to JUB’s mission of empowering pro se litigants for attorneys to gain access to and learn about JUB’s strategies, tactics, and approach to pro se litigation; 2) attorneys should not drain ICJIFA and JUB public funded resources; and 3) attorneys can afford legal education geared toward lawyers that are provided by dozens of continuing legal education entities.

An attorney who enters or attempts to enter the Site while concealing his identity as an attorney potentially violates Illinois Supreme Court Rule 4.1: “Truthfulness in Statements to Others

In the course of representing a client a lawyer shall not knowingly: (a) make a false statement of material fact or law to a third person; or (b) fail to disclose a material fact when disclosure is necessary to avoid assisting a criminal or fraudulent act by a client, unless disclosure is prohibited by Rule 1.6.

An attorney who fraudulently enters the site may also violate criminal law and commit a Class 3 or 4 felony (720 ILCS 5/17-6): 

Sec. 17-6. State benefits fraud. (a) A person commits State benefits fraud when he or she obtains or attempts to obtain money or benefits from the State of Illinois, from any political subdivision thereof, or from any program funded or administered in whole or in part by the State of Illinois or any political subdivision thereof through the knowing use of false identification documents or through the knowing misrepresentation of his or her age, place of residence, number of dependents, marital or family status, employment status, financial status, or any other material fact upon which his eligibility for or degree of participation in any benefit program might be based.

Important That You Notify JUB

You shall timely notify JUB of any legal proceeding in which JUB materials are being used in any way not otherwise authorized herein. If JUB information or materials are demanded or ordered to be produced pursuant to litigation discovery or any kind of  subpoena (civil, criminal, administrative regulation, etc.), You shall agree to oppose the discovery request or subpoena based on Your promise of non-disclosure and all other available grounds under these TERMS, and immediately notify JUB of same by identifying the proceeding in which the discovery request or subpoena has been issued (court or agency, case number, name of the parties, date-time-place of the hearing or deadline, copy of the discovery request or subpoena).

Caution Required

You may choose to communicate with JUB via e-mail. However, in case You do so, You should note that the security of internet e-mail is unreliable. By sending confidential or sensitive e- mail messages which are unencrypted You accept the risks of such uncertainty and possible breach of confidentiality or privacy over the internet.

Unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results! Testimonials on the Site, if any, are unsolicited and are non-representative of all clients; certain accounts may have worse performance than those published on the Site. Litigation involves risk and there is always the potential for loss as well as gain.


If any part of these TERMS shall be found invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall be in full force in effect. Illinois law shall govern the interpretation and construction of these TERMS. If the lack of time limits for the above non-competition or non-disclosure provisions are held invalid by a forum of competent jurisdiction, You agree that a six (6) year period is reasonable. You have accepted these TERMs freely and voluntarily, no promises have been made to You other than the promises in these TERMS, and no threats of any kind have been made against You.